In Our Nature
Absolutely everything is interconnected in astonishing dynamic ways that we are only beginning to understand, including our mental and planetary wellbeing.
The In Our Nature explores these connections, along with the unseen but profoundly influential currents, systems, cycles, patterns, stories, and constructs that shape both our inner lives and the world around us.
Why are we the way we are? Why are we treating the world and each other in the ways we do? Why do we feel so rubbish? Is this in our nature? What's going on?
Join me, Siobhán Friel, your host and fellow wanderer, as we curiously fondle the places where environmental, societal, historical, ecological and mythological contexts meet and mingle.
The In Our Nature pod wants to shed light on the hidden connections and deeper patterns that are shaping this extraordinary time we are in, helping us see more clearly as we make our way forth. Come and join me.
Why We Need The Anxious, Overwhelmed, Sensitive Overthinkers. Right Now. Exactly As You Are. Please Come
These Little Thoughts Are Keeping Us Away From Peace & Clarity (And They Aren’t Even Ours)
Is It in Our Nature To Be Restless, Unsettled and Anxious?
Why You Never, Ever Feel Good Enough (Even Though You Are Somewhat Amazing)
What Happens When the Space We Need for Our Mental Wellbeing Is Being Sold off to the Highest Bidder?
What a Weird Coincidence That Both Our Mental Health and the Earth’s Systems Are More Fragile Than Ever (It’s Like We Are Intimately Connected or Something)
You Have a Radically Powerful (But Highly Misunderstood) Gift That Can Transform Your Experience of a World in Chaos
This Myth About Human Nature Is Making Us Feel Anxious & Worthless (Oh, And Completely Wrecking Our Planet)
Why Are We Pretending Normal Life Is Fine When It’s Actually Very Unnatural and Weird?
Imagination, Stories & Systems: The Forces Shaping These Times with Sarah Patterson of Common Earth
"All Of This" (gestures around wildly) "Is Not in Our Nature"
Introducing: In Our Nature
That Calm Mind You Yearn For? The Books, Courses, Coaching & Podcasts Might Not Be Helping (Including This One)
“We Have an Inner Compass to Guide Us Through an Uncertain Future” With Rebecca Gardner
How Innocent Little Words Contribute to Big, Prickly Thought-Stories
We’ve Made up What Mental Illness Is (And Who Decides What’s Normal Anyway?)
Expanding the Conversation to Meet These Extraordinarily Precarious Times
That Always-Tired Feeling: Thought Problem, Body Problem, or Something Else?
How That Anxious, Restless, Unsettled Feeling Is Originally Created (Clue: It’s Nothing to Do with You)
How to Answer Your Own Questions When Everything Is Confusing and Weird
'The Limitless Potential that Lies Beyond Our Habitual Thinking' with Sarah Armitage and Michelle McCartan
"The Peace & Calm You Want Is Right There....Really" with Lisa Esile
"But My Problems Create My Thoughts, So How Does This Stuff Even Help Me?"
From the Archives: Your Experience Is Always Moving (And Why This Matters)
The Ordinary, Everyday Clues That Reveal Our Anxiety-Busting Powers (That We Completely Ignore)